THE POKER, issue 7. Poems by George Stanley, Stan Mir, Cameron K. Gearen, Scott Bentley, Tom Orange, Elena Rivera, Ben Lerner, Marcella Durand, Alice Notley, Elizabeth Marie Young, Ange Mlinko, Kit Robinson, Chris Pusateri and Mark Lamoureaux. Prose by Joseph Torra & an interview with Anselm Berrigan. If your not familiar with or not receiving the Poker, you ought to be. The mag is indeed one of the most exciting, most engaging zines available. Edited by Daniel Bouchard "Half with loathing, half with a strange love." $10.00 for each issue. P.O. Box 390408 Cambridge, MA 02139.
P-QUEUE. Edited by Sarah Campbell, the journal comes out of Buffalo annually. The inaugural 2004 issue contains work by Logan Esdale, Meredith Quartermain, W.B. Keckler, Eliza Newman-Saul, Pattie McCarthy, Sasha Steensen, James Tierney, Noah Eli Gordon, Jim Higdon, Tim Shaner, Jane Sprague, Andrew Joron, Barbara Cole, Kyle Schlesinger & Gordon Hadfield. Issue 2 (2005) contains work by Matthew Goulish, Rob McLennan, Eula Biss, Judith Goldman, Rosa Alcala, Michael Cross, Gregg Biglieri, Stephen Ratcliffe & Andrea Strudensky. In a brief editorial note in Issue 2 Campbell states, "P-Queue's editorial interest falls on the line and the line's divides. It has sought out prose that approaches poetry's line as its driving interest (as its subject, sound, rhythm, or reason) and poems that build themselves in prose." Each issue, with letterpress wraps on wonderfully textured stock, is gorgeous--& the writing contained within comparably innovative & compelling. $8.00 a pop. c/o Sarah Campbell, 306 Clemens Hall, English Department, SUNY Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260.
CHICAGO REVIEW, 51:3. Work by C.D. Wright, Devin Johnston, Alan Bernheimer, Joel Felix, Arkadii Dragomoshchenko (translated by Genya Turovskaya), Peter Larkin, Peter O'Leary, Geraldine Monk, Ray DiPalma, Merrill Gilfillan, Gavin Selerie, Medbh McGuckian. Particularly drawn to the work of Johnston & Gilfillan contained in the issue. CR, as always, a powerhouse.
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